My Journey: N.Y.C. to Wichita Ks

So here we go, at the ejknd of 2009, we moved to Wichita Kansas from New York City , circumstances led us there, my inlaws were elderly at the time in their 80 something. Big change, we had been here before for visits, very nice quiet place, beautiful lakes , trees, everything at a slower pace, sometimes you could even hear yourself think, lol. I needed time to adjust to this enviornment. How does one go from living in a city that never sleeps, to a city that is open 24/7 ect.. to such the quiet place where its the total opposite.

I needed to fill time, I knew myself and my issues, anxiety was slowly creeping in as well as other mood symptoms. Why not pick up my sketch pad? I dont know, so I started playing mindless video games, yes like that could help with anxiety. A couple 2 months later, family members fell ill, in Puerto Rico, I flew out there , it was a domino effect of illnesses. My mom was sick, the reason I flew out there, while she was in the hospital, my uncle became sick, during that stay, my nephew became sick and was hospitalized, nothing to do with each others illnesses, it seemed like everyone was in the hospital except me. True story. I ended up staying 4 months in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately My uncle passed a year later due to his illness.

Back home to Wichita, I needed to unwind and still trying to sketch , I was not ready for it, I felt the need to caretake. I went into the following hobbies: fish, I bought 5 tanks and many guppies, tetras, mollies ect.. craft supplies: built popsicle stick houses , over and over , 20 of them. Polymer Clay hobby, created many figurines .

This is when it happened, I went to the paint section to color the polymer clay, I saw the paint , the brushes ect.. I felt chills, I felt a warmth at the same time. I ignored it. I just bought the paint for my clay objects. Instead of painting the clay, I decided to just paint on my sketchpad, I felt so trapped within myself , intimidated, I stopped.


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