My Journey: To Present

As I transitioned from high school through adulthood , I took a breather from the arts in a way, although it was pulsating through my veins. I had to focus on everything but art. I had my courses , keep up with my gpa , gym, social life, AWKWARD, lol. the main question everybody had on their minds was, what was my career choice going to be. My answer was, making it through to graduation.  I did participate in events such as  trips to museums , I enjoyed those, and plays at Radio City Music Hall.

I always carried around a disposable camera , no smartphones back then, I loved taking pictures and sketching what I took a picture of, the way I interpret it. I sketched or doodled on any available space, often on the back of my homework sheets, which of course was frowned upon.  Graduation from high school was the greatest thing!!!!!! What then, a lawyer , teacher, a cop, medical profession?  There was plenty of that in the extended family, I did not really care for any of them. The idea of a nun came into my head, only because they offered seclusion lol.

I figured lets go to college , liberal arts , take it from there. Pre nursing , yep. Art never left my soul, It was like something I left behind, I needed to rescue. Nursing did not work out. Yes I have bedside manner, but lack of focus, did not grab my attention. I also was dealing with a creature called anxiety which followed me from the past, nasty little thing lol.  I went on tried temping, which was good, not in one place for too long but getting all sorts of experience and had my own cubicle.  (sketching time)  . Ultimitely , fast foward, I ended up working for the City of New York, ( high anxiety) for a long time. Good and bad times , but ,  I was working with children, teens , they had art classes , the capacity i was working in was not a teacher, but on my spare time, I engaged in these activities.

Art was everywhere, where one part of the job was highly stressful, I had the other part to look foward to, after work, I would just visit galleries, parks, artists would have thier pieces for sales.

Next entry, the move from New York City to Wichita Kansas.



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